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Bilety na: CLOSE TO YOU (ENG)

Bydgoszcz, Grodzka 14-16

04.05.2024, g. 21:15 (sobota)

cena - od 40,00 pln

Zakończenie sprzedaży online: 04.05.2024, g. 21:15

21:00-22:00 MAIN CAST directed by Rama Nicholas: Close to you (ENG)

Romantic love, Intimacy, Passion and Sexual Attraction.

'Close To You' is a ground breaking show celebrating passion, romance and sexual attraction from creator and director Rama Nicholas and like all great love affairs, its bound to leave you wanting more.

Love stories intrigue us. From the great movie classics to romantic books, poetry and music, and as our favourite characters fall in love we relish every moment of their joy. Then when the inevitable heartbreak comes we share their tears and share their pain.

'Close To You' draws on our rawest emotions, secret loves and hidden yearnings to create an intimate and engaging theatrical experience.

The show has been performed in numerous countries.

Close To You is a show that isn’t afraid to explore the deep emotions and complicated dynamics between adults and as such is only suitable for audiences aged sixteen and over. With its only one performance, early booking is advised.

On the stage: Patti Stiles, Órla Mc Govern, Dobrosława Bela, Rama Nicholas, Vaclav Wortner, Tomasz Marcinko

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