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Bilety na: The Bohemian Tragedy (ENG)

Bydgoszcz, Grodzka 14-16

03.05.2024, g. 20:15 (piątek)

cena - od 40,00 pln

Zakończenie sprzedaży online: 03.05.2024, g. 20:15

20:15-21:00 My kluci co spolu chodime: The Bohemian Tragedy  (ENG)

Fancy a wild impromptu? Four completely unprepared actors. Absurd, surrealistic, improvised physical theatre. A spontaneous melange of scenes and images mingling with music and lights, flowing from abstraction to absurdity.

What happens when a Moravian actor, Australian circus performer, Slovakian mime, and Czech polyglot improv wizzkid meet? The boys who go out together are a mix of actors and performers with various backgrounds, ranging from classical drama theatre, dance, circus, and physical theatre. They met during freeform improv classes at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and have been performing ever since. With the main purpose of exploring essentially total and utter free theatre improvisation without any structures ahead given, they concentrate on physicality and movement as their main form of expression. They search and keep learning our own language, consisting of dark Czech humor, movement improv, and an exquisitely bad taste in folklore singing.

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Operator płatności pobierze bezzwrotną opłatę transakcyjną w wysokości 1.95%